Biometric verification is the measurement of a person's distinctive biological characteristics in order to accurately verify their identity. Biometric verification can be used to provide distinct and unambiguous authentication not
only for identification but also for access control.
SMI can provide biometric terminals that implement finger print recognition. This means that staffing time and attendance can be recorded highly accurately based on their physical presence negating 'buddy clocking'. As
no one can clock in and out for your employees the SMI fully integrated Time and Attendance system reduces time theft and improves payroll accuracy. It also eliminates any costs and potential security breaches as there is no production
of ID cards, Key Fobs or credentials that can be lost, stolen or replicated.
The terminals can be placed on door entry for access control to specific areas. Not only is the finger print door lock a secure alternative to a traditional keyed lock, it can eliminate the need to carry bunches of keys
and ensure only people registered to the lock database can gain entry providing greater security and simplicity.
Record staff clocking in and out times accurately including breaks and individual shift times as required. You will also be alerted if staff have accessed the building whilst off duty. T&A alerts can also be linked to your Payroll Interface which highlights when shifts are being paid without an attendance or vice versa. Technology
The ability to use Key Fob, ID Card, Pass Code and/or Biometric Finger/Hand or Facial recognition is available. Biometrics are increasing in popularity due to its ease of acquisition and integration into your existing applications including finding the balance between technological security requirements and user experience. Terminals
The terminals use the fastest commercial-based matching algorithm and high-image quality optical sensors. Using industry standard TCP/IP communication allows the data transmission channel to be secure and transmitted within seconds. A built-in 200mAh backup battery is used to eliminate power-failure problems.
Use verification on individual doors in order to provide authentication for area access making sure that you can monitor that the right people are in the right place at the right time. As it is designed on the premise that every person can be identified by their unique features, security is not easily compromised. Attendance Management
Time and Attendance provides managers with the tools they need to manage staff and staffing issues quickly. Alerts are provided to managers which can include "grace" periods as required. Having a T&A system in place has proven to improve staff attendance and time keeping. Full Payroll Integration
Any discrepancies between the rotas and the T&A are highlighted to ensure staff are paid accurately for the work they provide. SMI provide a full payroll interface which links directly with your existing payroll software. All your enhancements are automatically calculated for you including multiple contracts and pay rates.